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Name that song

12.20.2005 13:31
Here is how it works:
1) Someone thinks of a song and writes down part the lyrics.
2) Someone else comes along and tries to figure it out.
3) If the person gets it right they write down part of the lyrics to another song.

Got it?

12.20.2005 13:32
I will start.

12.20.2005 13:34
Oh the weather outside is frightful
and the fire is so delightful. . . .

12.21.2005 09:10
Let it snow is the song:Ther's no place to go let it snow,let it snow,let it snow.

12.21.2005 17:16
Yes it is. Now you put in another song kklovescb.

12.29.2005 02:34
the boys they drive me crazy i do it on the daily

01.05.2006 19:07
Isn't that one of the Black Eyed Peas songs? Don't what no drama drama Don't what no drama drama.

01.05.2006 19:08
Isn't that one of the Black Eyed Peas songs? Don't what no drama drama Don't what no drama drama.

01.05.2006 19:08
Isn't that one of the Black Eyed Peas songs? Don't what no drama drama Don't what no drama drama.

01.05.2006 19:08
sorry didn't mean for that to happen.

02.07.2006 10:52
Its called my humps!! DUH!!!
um, lets see if ya'll know 80's rock
"She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean..."

02.12.2006 20:44
you shook me all night long is the song... she was a fast machine she kept her motor clean she was the best damn woman that i ever seen

02.22.2006 03:11
sorry i havent wrote for ages

here lil kiddies on my lap guess whos bak with a brand new rap

03.03.2006 04:42
um is it that eminem song um just loose it

07.28.2006 09:58
yer dik thats tha song does anyone kno this song i must be emo
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